You have a good ear for phrasing -- the tension builds and culminates into a flowing and adventurous melody -- I really like the progression from the piano, to the flute, to the heroic brass fanfare. The snare rhythm throughout has a great syncopation to it, and the combination of the chimes with the marching element does indeed bring back memories of old RPG's. I really enjoyed the layering of the brass over the woodwind melody, and the end is well constructed. Be careful about your attacks -- 1:13 is where you can hear the brass attack/release getting abruptly severed. There are other parts where this happens but I think the main culprit is the brass sample itself -- so really I have no real critique for your composition other than a few shortcomings in your software.
Great work overall. I'm impressed you continued even after losing half of the project -- so I commend you for pulling through. Keep it up.